
Showing posts from March, 2023

What are the benefits, and Importance of Obstetrics and Gynecology nursing? Get a chance to gain knowledge about it from our worldwide experts at the 12NHPSUCG.

  Registered nurses (RNs) that specialize in obstetrics and gynecology , often known as OB/GYN nurses, frequently collaborate with OB/GYN doctors. Female patients are given prenatal, postpartum , and reproductive treatment starting at puberty and continuing through menopause. Gynecology and obstetrics are two overlapping medical specialties that focus on various facets of female reproductive health. Childbirth, pregnancy, postpartum, and associated topics are the focus of obstetrics. The various facets of women's health, from the onset of puberty to menopause and beyond, are the focus of gynecology . It addresses the prevention, maintenance, diagnosis, and treatment of illnesses and conditions affecting female reproduction. Female patients are given prenatal, postpartum, and reproductive treatment starting at puberty and continuing through menopause. Typical majors for future OB/GYN nurses include chemistry, biology, and psychology. Students studying OB/GYN nursing will o

Participate in the 12NHPSUCG, and hear Prof. Annegret Hannawa's speech on Horizons Of Safe Communication: What Have We (Not Yet) Done?

  About Prof. Annegret Hannawa At the Università della Svizzera Italiana, Annegret F. Hannawa , Ph.D., is a tenured Associate Professor of Health Communication and the director of the Center for the Promotion of Healthcare Quality & Patient Safety (CAHQS). She also works as an Honorary Research Associate at Cardiff University's School of Medicine and Associate Faculty at the Bloomberg School of Public Health at Johns Hopkins University (UK). ISCOME Global Institute for the Advancement of Communication Science in Healthcare, which facilitates multidisciplinary research collaborations between top academics in communication science and healthcare to improve safe practise all over the world, was formed and is led by Prof. Hannawa. Prof. Hannawa's research focuses on the function of interpersonal communication in optimising the safety & quality of care. Her work has been honoured with multiple international honours and has been published in a number of prestigious journals

Have you completed any psychiatry and mental health research? Present it at the 13NHPSUCG in front of the international specialists.

Psychology and psychiatry The area of medicine known as psychiatry is dedicated to the identification, management, and prevention of mental, emotional, and behavioural disorders. An M.D. or D.O. who focuses on mental health, particularly substance use issues, is known as a psychiatrist. Psychiatrists are trained to evaluate psychiatric issues on both the mental and physical levels. The 12th International Nursing, Healthcare, and Patient Safety Conference , which is CME/CPD accredited, offers a chance to network with peers from the healthcare industry, academia, and other stakeholders. Whether a person is unwell or not, and regardless of where they are, nursing entails providing independent and team-based care to people of all ages, families, groups, and communities. Join us in Dubai, UAE, from July 25-27, 2023. Email us at WhatsApp: Visit here, for more info. You ca

Nurse Protection during Pandemics: Participate in the 12NHPSUCG and know about nurses' experiences and how they safeguarded patients during the pandemic.

  Duties, Obligations, Hazards, and Rights of Nurses in COVID-19's Front Line The COVID-19 pandemic places significant obligations and responsibilities on nurses. In addition to actively participating in evaluation and monitoring in the community, they will continue to be on the front lines of patient care at hospitals. Regardless of whether a patient is contagious, nurses must make sure they receive personalised, high-quality care. They will also engage in preparing for predicted COVID-19-related epidemics, which could cause system overload by increasing demand for nursing and healthcare services. 1 Also, nurses must maintain an efficient supply and use of personal protective equipment, sanitation supplies, and standards for confinement, as well as provide screening information and triage techniques based on the most recent recommendations. Strong nursing staff involvement in clinical management, awareness and knowledge sharing, and public safety are necessary during a worldw

Study and Pharmacology's Benefits in Nursing.

What does pharmacology studies entail? The study of how medications affect biological processes and how the body reacts to pharmaceuticals is known as pharmacology . The sources, chemical make-up, biological effects, and therapeutic applications of medications are all covered by the study of pharmacology . Pharmacology , in its broadest sense, is the study of how medications and naturally occurring mediators work on cells and at the level of the entire organism. Pharmacy is a distinct field of study in the health sciences that is frequently confused with pharmacology . The 12th International Nursing, Healthcare Management, and Patient Safety Conference , which is CME/CPD recognised. Join us from July 25–27, 2023, in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. To examine the most recent research & trends, it brings inspirational speakers and insider perspectives. Whether you or your coworkers have any inquiries concerning nursing, healthcare administration, or patient safety, this confer