Gain knowledge about Machine Learning for Digital Healthcare Innovation at the 14IHNPUCG from our experts.


How does machine learning work?

A subfield of artificial intelligence (AI) and computer science called machine learning focuses on using data and algorithms to simulate how humans learn, gradually increasing the accuracy of the system.

IBM has a long history with artificial intelligence. With his research on the game of checkers, one of its own, Arthur Samuel, is credited with coining the term "machine learning" (link outside of In 1962, Robert Nealey, a self-described checkers master, competed against an IBM 7094 computer, but he was defeated. This achievement seems insignificant in light of what is now possible, but it is regarded as a significant turning point for artificial intelligence.

Machine learning-based products like Netflix's recommendation engine and self-driving cars have been made possible in recent years because to technical advancements in storage and processing capability.

A casual format for presenting research findings or showcasing cutting-edge techniques is the poster session. The CME/CPD accredited 14th International Healthcare, Hospital Management, Nursing and Patient Safety Conference offers you the chance to present your original ideas in a less formal setting than a paper presentation. Submit your paper, and join us in Holiday Inn Dubai, UAE & Virtual from July 25–27, 2024. Submit here:

The rapidly expanding discipline of data science includes machine learning as a key element. Algorithms are trained using statistical techniques to produce classifications or predictions and to find important insights in data mining projects. The decisions made as a result of these insights influence key growth indicators in applications and enterprises, ideally. Data scientists will be more in demand as big data continues to develop and flourish. They will be expected to assist in determining the most pertinent business questions and the information needed to address them. The majority of the time, machine learning algorithms are developed utilising accelerated solution development frameworks like TensorFlow and PyTorch.

Increase in ML in medical settings

As technology advances, machine learning offers an exciting potential in the field of healthcare to enhance the precision of diagnoses, personalise care, and discover fresh approaches to problems that have persisted for decades. A tangible influence on the health of your community can result from using machine learning to programme computers to make connections and predictions and to unearth crucial insights from vast volumes of data that healthcare providers might otherwise overlook.

Machine learning seeks to enhance patient outcomes and generate previously unobtainable medical insights. Through predictive algorithms, it offers a means of validating the judgement and judgements of physicians. Consider a scenario where a patient is given a specific drug by a doctor. Then, using data from a patient who received the same treatment and benefited from it, machine learning can verify this treatment plan.

Internet of Medical Things and machine learning in healthcare

A constantly changing patient data set is essential when using machine learning in the healthcare industry. These data can be used to identify trends that help medical practitioners identify new diseases, assess risks, and forecast treatment outcomes. Due to the sheer number of patients and the variety of medical technology available for data collection, having medical equipment sync to a central "network" is an efficient approach to gather enormous amounts of data.

The network of medical apps and equipment that may connect with one another through online networks is known as the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT). Nowadays, a lot of medical gadgets come with Wi-Fi, enabling them to interface with other machines through cloud platforms or other devices connected to the same network. This makes it possible to track information from wearable devices, track medical histories, and monitor patients remotely, among other things. The IoMT is expected to grow rapidly as more wearable medical devices with internet connectivity hit the market.

Now is your chance to claim your Best Poster Award/Best Speaker Award certificates for the CME/CPD credited 14th International Healthcare, Hospital Management, Nursing and Patient Safety Conference, which will take place in Holiday Inn Dubai, UAE, on July 25–27, 2024. Attend the seminar right away to receive these certifications for the lowest price.

Register, grab your slot & certificates here:

How is machine learning applied in the medical field?

Numerous healthcare use cases involve the use of machine learning, and much of this technology's potential stems from its capacity to manage complicated data.


·         disease prediction and treatment

·         medical imaging and diagnostic services

·         finding and creating new medications

·         Putting medical records in order

As data sets in the healthcare sector grow in size, they are frequently organised as unstructured data in electronic health records (EHRs). Machine learning organises this data into more organised groupings using natural language processing so that healthcare practitioners can swiftly draw conclusions from them.

For pharmaceutical businesses, machine learning and AI have also had an impact on medication research and development. Drugmakers are hoping that machine learning (ML) will be able to forecast how patients will react to different medications and pinpoint which individuals have the best probability of benefiting from the drug. The technology has already supported central nervous system clinical trials.

Additionally, machine learning advancements in healthcare have benefited telemedicine, as some machine learning firms are researching how to organise and deliver patient information to doctors during telemedicine sessions as well as capture information during virtual visits to streamline workflows.

On behalf of the Utilitarian Conferences Gathering, we are delighted to extend our warmest invitation to you to attend the upcoming Nursing Conference: 14th International Healthcare, Hospital Management, Nursing, and Patient Safety Conference. This prestigious event will be held from July 25-27, 2024 at Dubai, UAE. The theme of the conference is “displaying the most recent research results and innovations that underpin evidence-based nursing practise. Innovations in Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice.”


As a leading figure in the nursing profession, your presence and expertise would be invaluable to our conference. The event aims to foster collaboration, knowledge sharing, and professional growth among nurses and healthcare practitioners from all corners of the industry.

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