Savor the Experience: Join Us for a Free Workshop at the Evolution in Probiotic Therapy


Introduction: Workshops often serve as catalysts for personal and professional growth, offering a unique blend of learning, networking, and inspiration. Recently, I had the privilege of attending a workshop that not only expanded my knowledge but also left a lasting impact on my journey. In this blog, I'll share my reflections on the experience and delve into the transformative power of workshops.

"Empower, Learn, Grow: Workshops for Success"
workshop with
Probulin Probiotics' Dr. Jason Mitchell. We are pleased to invite you to the free workshop on May 21, 2024, at Grand Hyatt Dubai Riyadh Street, United Arab Emirates.

Workshop Title: The Evolution in Probiotic Therapy
For workshop details, visit here:

Complimentary: Workshop Entry, Buffet Lunch, Coffee Break, Wi-Fi.

This workshop will briefly outline an evolutionary timeline of where probiotics have been, where they are today and where they are heading. We will also share scientific studies related to a unique and proprietary probiotic delivery system that exponentially increases the survivability of the beneficial probiotic cells. Finally we will discuss the importance of POSTbiotics and how this could likely reshape what we know about the gut microbiome.

Probiotics are essential for immune system support, proper food digestion, and the health and balance of the digestive system as a whole. This is significant since the condition of your immune system and the rest of your body are closely related to the health of your digestive system. Even with the best of intentions, certain lifestyle factors, such as stress, excessive use of certain drugs, and nutrition, can cause an imbalance in the important bacteria in the gut. That’s when gas, bloating, and other digestive pain might happen.

Workshop Highlights:
-Evolution Timeline in Probiotics
-Use application for Probiotics
-Antibiotic Associated Diarrhea I.B.D Constipation
-Advancements in Probiotic Delivery
-Proprietary Probiotic Delivery and Survival
Proprietary Probiotic Formulations
-Introduction of POSTbiotics and how they revolutionize the gut microbiome.

Benefits to Attendees:
1. These opportunities can lead to valuable connections and potential business partnerships.
2. Opportunities for Networking
3. Novel Ways of Thinking
4. Developing New Prowess
5. Free access to professional consultation on key issues
6. Hear new ideas that might help you

Workshop Audience: 
Gut Health Specialists, GP, Internal Medicine, Gastroenterologists, Nutrition and Wellness Professionals, Probiotics Health Professionals, Digestive Diseases Medical Professionals, GI doctors etc.

Preparation and Anticipation: Anticipation buzzed through me as I prepared for the workshop. From choosing the right attire to packing my notebook and pen, every detail contributed to the excitement. There's something inherently energizing about stepping into a space filled with like-minded individuals eager to learn and grow. It was an opportunity to immerse myself in a community of individuals passionate about the same subjects, ready to absorb insights and exchange ideas.

Engagement and Learning: The workshop kicked off with an engaging introduction, setting the tone for what was to come. Expert facilitators guided us through a series of sessions, each carefully designed to deepen our understanding and hone our skills. Whether it was interactive presentations, group activities, or hands-on exercises, every moment was an opportunity for discovery. I found myself captivated by the wealth of knowledge shared and the diverse perspectives offered by both the facilitators and fellow participants.

One of the most valuable aspects of the workshop was the opportunity for practical application. Through case studies and simulations, we were challenged to apply theoretical concepts to real-world scenarios. This hands-on approach not only reinforced our learning but also equipped us with actionable strategies to implement in our respective fields. Moreover, the feedback and guidance provided by the facilitators fostered an environment of continuous improvement, encouraging us to push beyond our comfort zones and strive for excellence.

Networking and Connection: Beyond the structured sessions, the workshop provided ample opportunities for networking and connection. Breakout discussions, coffee breaks, and networking events facilitated meaningful interactions with peers from diverse backgrounds. I was inspired by the stories shared, the challenges overcome, and the aspirations pursued. Each conversation enriched my perspective and reinforced the importance of building a supportive community.

Reflection and Integration: As the workshop drew to a close, I found myself reflecting on the insights gained and the experiences shared. The journey didn't end with the final session; rather, it marked the beginning of a new chapter in my growth trajectory. Armed with newfound knowledge and connections, I returned to my everyday life with a renewed sense of purpose and determination. I was eager to integrate what I had learned into my work and personal endeavors, confident in my ability to effect positive change.

Conclusion: Attending a workshop is more than just a learning experience; it's a journey of growth, discovery, and transformation. From the anticipation leading up to the event to the connections forged along the way, every aspect contributes to a richer, more fulfilling experience. As I continue on my journey, I carry with me the lessons learned and the connections made, grateful for the opportunity to have been part of such a remarkable experience. Here's to the workshops that inspire us to reach new heights and embrace the endless possibilities that lie ahead.

Biography of Dr. Jason:

Dr. Jason Mitchell, N.D., is a distinguished figure in the natural products industry, with over 26 years of experience. He is a board-certified Naturopathic Doctor, having earned his doctorate from Trinity College of Natural Health. He’s certified by the American Naturopathic Medical Certification Board and is a member of the American Naturopathic Medical Association and the Certified Natural Health Professionals. Professionally, Dr. Mitchell has made significant contributions, developing over 500 products in pharmaceuticals, dietary supplements, and cosmetics, both domestically and internationally.

He played a key role at Country Life Vitamins as Vice President and Chief Science Officer, contributing to its growth and acquisition by Kikkoman Foods. Dr. Mitchell founded Probulin Probiotics in 2013 and co-founded Hemp Fusion in 2015. He later merged these companies under Hemp Fusion Wellness Inc., where he serves as founder and CEO. He guided Probulin Probiotics through its acquisition by Healist Naturals in 2022, where he remains a leader and president.
His expertise extends to roles as an educator, author, speaker, product formulator, and regulatory expert. He has served on the Executive Board of the US Hemp Roundtable, impacting hemp industry regulations.

On a personal level, Dr. Mitchell is a father, husband, Arizona State University alumnus, and an athlete who has completed the Ironman Triathlon.



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